1. Application for placement can be by parents, agencies, interested groups, or any individual with knowledge
of a developmentally disabled adult needing specialized group home placement.
2. In order to determine eligibility, the Qualified Professional must complete a Level of Eligibility Assessment
form (LOE) upon admission. The following criteria is used to assess the adults Level of Eligibility:
Ø The adult must have a developmental disability
which is an attributable factor to a mental or physical impairment or a combination of mental and physical impairments which
have been manifested and is likely to continue indefinitely; and
Ø Results in substantial functional limitation
in four or more of the following areas of major life activities:
i. Self-help;
ii. Self-direction;
iii. Learning;
iv. Language;
v. Economic/vocational;
vi. Independent living, or
vii. Mobility.
3. In addition, placement is determined by appropriateness and feasibility according to the following criteria:
Ø Each adult
must be 18 years old or older;
Ø The classification of functioning must be within the severe to
range of mental retardation or related condition; or
Ø developmental disability such as, but not limited to Cerebral
Palsy (CP),
Traumatic Brain Injury (TAI), Autistic Disorder
and other
neurological impairments; or
Ø Physical disability in addition to a developmental disability